Ex Mortis Stalkarounds®

The larger-than-life Ex Mortis Stalkaround Halloween Costume "puppets" can move around with the freedom of a typical walkaround suit or costume, but the giant Stalkaround® possess a realism in movement and detail normally found only in motion picture special effects.
Towering at heights upwards of 8 feet tall and with an armspan of 8 feet across, the Stalkaround® is capable of moving its head in all directions and glaring at frightened onlookers, while his giant arms grasp and threaten with evil intent!
The ability to interact with people makes the Stalkaround® a better choice to entertain your guests than a repetitive animated prop !
The performer is concealed within the body, guiding the arms of the Stalkaround® using handles at the Stalkaround's elbows, and also actuates the Stalkaround's head with a helmet linked by a heavy-duty all- bearing mechanism. Stalkarounds are very simple and natural to operate!
Browse below for larger images and online purchase at Halloween Town!

© 2016 by Ex Mortis